Prairie Postcard: Sakakawea

Greetings from the capitol grounds in Bismarck and the statue of Sakakawea! Sakakawea is more commonly known to the rest of the country as Sacagawea. She was the young Hidatsa woman known to history as a guide and translator who aided the famed explorers Lewis and Clark on their journey to the Pacific. Although it’s official policy to use the above spelling, modern Hidatsa people tend to prefer the more common “Sacagawea”. According to, the discrepancy arises from the fact that the Hidatsa language does not have a written form, and so pronunciations are difficult to spell “correctly” in the English language. However you prefer to spell her name, this young lady was an inspiration and an invaluable asset on the journey West, and is today remembered and celebrated throughout North Dakota.


Wish you were here!

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